Leeds Chargers Annual General Meeting

Dear Members of the Leeds Minor Hockey Association,

The Leeds Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Country Roads Community Health Centre, Portland (4319 Cove Rd at Hwy 15).  Country Roads has been kind enough to lend us their space and has asked that anyone attending to please bring a donation to their food bank.

The AGM is where the election of the upcoming season’s Executive members takes place.  All candidates for election to the Executive office must be nominated (using this nomination form) and submitted to Melanie Redmond via email no later than Tuesday, April 9th at 0900hrs.

Please know that all positions are up for renewal, the only caveat is that the current President must have served on the Executive for the previous year term and the Past President position which is a non-voting position, is for the previous President.  For transparency, this is for continuity purposes for the better of the association and the children not due to anything else.

Below is a list of the positions:


Vice President




Rules & Discipline / Risk & Safety


Equipment Coordinator

Tournament Coordinator

Website Coordinator

Ice Coordinator

Fundraising Coordinator

Coach Mentor / Player Development

U7 Convener

U9 Convener

U11 & U13 Convener

U15 & U18 Convener


If you are interested in one of these positions and would like to see a job description, please reach out to Melanie Redmond prior to Tuesday, April 9th as you are required to be nominated prior to the meeting.  Any person being nominated at the meeting (not on the form provided in advance) must also be present in order to validate the nomination and accept the position.  All members being nominated must be in good standing in order to be able to be elected to the table.  Once elected to a position that you have accepted, you will not be eligible to be elected for any other positions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Melanie and she will be able to assist you.

Thank you.

Leeds Minor Hockey Association Executive