2022-2023 Registration is Open!
Leeds Chargers, Registration for the 2022-2023 season is now open. The fee structure will be as follows: Divisions Fees U7 $175.00 U9 $350.00 U11 $400.00 U13 $675.00 U15 $675.00 U18 $675.00 As in the past, we will not know the levels we will be offering until our registration numbers are in. This will be communicated…
Read MoreLMHA 2022 Annual General Meeting
Dear Members of the Leeds Minor Hockey Association, The Leeds Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 pm at the Joshua Bates Centre in Athens. The AGM is where the election of the upcoming season’s Executive members takes place. All candidates for election to the Executive office must…
Read MoreConditioning Camp and Tryout Schedules
Leeds Minor Hockey Association is offering conditioning camp starting on Saturday, September 18th and running through September 25th. Tryouts will be held from September 28th through October 7th. Please see the schedules below. You must be registered to attend. Registration for conditioning camp has closed. Registration for tryouts is still open and can be found…
Read MoreCoaching Applications
The Leeds Minor Hockey Association is currently accepting applications from coaches who would like to be part of our hockey program for the 2021-2022 season. Applicants may be required to participate in an interview. Selected team officials will be required to complete a criminal record check as part of the application screening process. The application…
Read MoreReferees Needed!
Leeds Chargers are looking to fill a few open positions on their referee team for the upcoming season. If you are interested or would like to find more information, please contact our Referee-In-Chief, Scott Halladay (halladaysn@gmail.com)
Read More2021-2022 Registration is Open!
We are anticipating a “normal” season and look forward to getting back on the ice! The fee structure will be as follows: Divisions Fees U7 $0.00 U9 $300.00 U11 $400.00 U13 $650.00 U15 $650.00 U18 $650.00 As in the past, we will not know the levels we will be offering until our registration numbers are…
Read MoreLMHA 2021 Annual General Meeting
Dear Members of the Leeds Minor Hockey Association, The Leeds Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Monday, April 19th at 7:00 pm. Due to COVID, the AGM will be held virtually over Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend the meeting virtually, please RSVP to Cindy Palmer at lmhasecretary@outlook.com no later…
Read MoreStay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives
As COVID-19 case counts have been rising, it is more critical than ever that Ontarians stay home to stay safe. The Leeds Chargers Minor Hockey Association is encouraging everyone to do their part to save lives by staying home during this time.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update
LMHA Membership, Due to the rising COVID-19 prevalence in our communities, we have decided to postpone the current season until the New Year, effective immediately. Our priority is to keep our members safe and healthy. This decision was made to help eliminate the spread between our communities. We will be working on a plan for…
Read MoreLMHA 2020 Annual General Meeting
Dear Members of the Leeds Minor Hockey Association, The time has come for the Leeds Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting (AGM), much later than normal due to COVID restrictions. As we had previously communicated, this year’s AGM will be held on Monday, October 19th at 7:00 pm. This year will look a lot different…
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